Magseed Procedures
A Magseed marker is a small magnetic, unbreakable seed that is placed into patients to help guide surgeons during a breast lumpectomy for impalpable breast cancer.
Made of sterile surgical-grade steel, the Magseed is extremely small – smaller than a grain of rice. It is inserted using ultrasound or X-ray guidance before surgery to help guide breast surgeons during breast surgery.
During surgery, the surgeon will use a handheld Sentimag to locate the Magseed from the surface of the skin. Once the location of the Magseed has been located next to the cancer, the surgeon will then plan the incision and operate accordingly.
Magseed Marker Benefits
ere are the top benefits of Magseed procedures.
- Precise localisation.
- No extra procedures are required.
- No dislodging once the seed has been implanted.
- Less intrusive and more flexible than a guidewire.
- Easily and accurately placed by a radiologist before surgery

How to prepare for Magseed Procedures
To prepare for your Magseed procedure:
- Don’t wear any jewellery unless it can easily be removed.
- Inform your radiologist if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Wear two-piece clothing so that you only have to remove your top and bra for the procedure.
- Don’t apply any powder, deodorant, or perfume under your arms or on your breasts on the day of the procedure.
Magseed Procedure FAQs
Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions around Magseed Procedures:
How is a Magseed placed into a patient?
The Magseed is placed into the patient with the assistance of either a mammogram or an ultrasound. A needle is inserted into the tumour within the breast under local anaesthetic, and the Magseed is deployed.
Will I feel the Magseed?
The Magseed is just 5mm long and smaller than a grain of rice. it is so small that you will not notice it in your breast.
Do I have to worry about the Magseed moving or breaking before surgery?
No. Unlike traditional guidewires, a Magseed marker has a special design which means that it will sit firmly implanted in the cancer. From when it is placed to the time of surgery, it cannot be dislodged or broken.