Osteoporosis Screening
Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease
that weakens the bones and may lead to increased risk of bone fractures. It
involves a gradual loss of calcium, as well as structural changes, causing the
bones to become thinner and more fragile. Although osteoporosis mainly affects post-menopausal
women, and older men, it could also be as a result of an underlying medical
Screening for this bone disorder is
warranted in most older adults.
What is osteoporosis screening?
Osteoporosis screening is the process of checking
for osteoporosis in order to prevent osteoporotic fractures and the functional
decline that often accompanies these fractures.
Osteoporosis screening tests
There are different approaches for
osteoporosis screening, but DEXA is the most common. There are other ways to
diagnose osteoporosis, but DEXA is the most effective. Other methods include
quantitative ultrasound and traditional X-rays.
Mammography is the most common screening test for breast cancer. Early detection with routine mammograms can improve survival rate of 5 years by 100%. Despite what most people think, mammograms are perfectly safe. We are exposed to daily background radiation in our environments all the time. A mammogram is equal to approximately two months of background radiation
Osteoporosis screening FAQS
Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions around osteoporosis screening.
Osteoporosis screening is recommended for
men and women who have certain risk factors associated with the condition.
Examples of these are as follows:
Low body mass
History of previous bone
Having medical conditions that
increase risk of bone fractures
· Family history of osteoporosis or other bone-related disorders
History of taking certain
medications (such as chronic heparin or prednisone)
A bone density test should be repeated when
results may have an influence on treatment plans; oftentimes, it is repeated
1-2 years after starting or changing osteoporosis medication in order to
evaluate the response to treatment.
There are two types of osteoporosis – primary
and secondary. Primary osteoporosis is usually due to the effects of
aging, including the reduction in hormones estrogen and testosterone.
Secondary osteoporosis is related to
medical conditions and medications. However, both types of osteoporosis have
preventable aspects.
To improve prevention of osteoporosis, you
Avoid smoking
Eat a nutritious diet
Engage in regular physical
· Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
Consult your doctor about the
medications you take
Book an Osteoporosis screening today
Kindly fill out the form below and we’ll
help you arrange your osteoporosis screening appointment and will answer any
other questions you might have.