This term is used in daily mammogram reports. It means Breast Imaging Reporting and Database System score.
This system sorts the results into categories which are numbered 0-6:
0 - Incomplete - additional imaging evaluation is needed- or comparison imaging.
1 - Negative - no abnormal imaging noted.
2 - Benign (non-cancerous finding) – no sign of cancer.
3 - Possibly benign however should require follow up within 6 months.
4 - Suspicious Abnormality – Findings do not look like cancer but may be. A biopsy may be necessary for further definition.
5 - Highly Suggestive of malignancy – 95% of cancer – and biopsy very strongly recommended.
6 - Known Biopsy – proven malignancy- these mammograms are necessary to see how well cancer is responding to treatment.